Maurizio Cattelan The Taste of Others
Maurizio Cattelan
The Taste of Others
In this captivating volume, skillfully crafted by Massimiliano Gioni, a trusted collaborator of Maurizio Cattelan and curator at the New Museum, we embark on a journey through the myriad editions and ephemeral projects born from the brilliant imagination of the New York-based Italian artist. Gioni's writing transcends the mere act of listing works in a catalogue raisonné; it takes on a playful and authoritative tone, occasionally referring to himself in the third person. Within these pages, Gioni explores the intricate dance between friendship and work, recognizing their indispensable role in shaping an artist's opus. While the text, adorned with hand-painted calligraphy subsequently typeset, and the painted miniature images exude an air of authority, it is unmistakably evident that Cattelan, as the originator of this volume in both form and content, showcases his fluid embrace of editorial, publishing, and other conventions typically overlooked as "artistic."
Adding a delicate touch to the book are the exquisite watercolor illustrations masterfully provided by Chinese painter Fu Site. Aptly titled "The Taste of Others," this book serves as the crowning achievement of an ambitious series initiated by Three Star Books in 2007. However, lingering curiosity persists regarding whether the artist will continue to grace us with his publications after his imminent retirement, leaving us eagerly awaiting his future creative endeavors.
5 color offset, Printed recto only
12 3/4 x 17 in. (32.5 x 43.2 cm)