Multiples, Inc. 1965-1992
Multiples, Inc. 1965-1992
Multiples, Inc. was an art publishing company founded in 1965 by a group of five partners, including gallerist Marian Goodman. During its existence, Multiples, Inc. published seminal editions with some of the most important artists of the 20th century over a period of almost three decades between 1966 and 1992.
The 1960s were the high times of multiples; artworks were not conceived as single objects but as objects to be published in several examples, often using new materials and contemporary manufacturing techniques. Producing artworks in editions allowed a democracy of distribution, permitting them to be offered at lower prices, in turn making current developments in the art world available to a larger audience. While many publishers emerged in the U.S. and in Europe in the 1960s, not all of these organizations remained active into the future, whereas Multiples, Inc. survived the initial impetus of the new medium and went on to increasingly produce prints in the 1970s and 1980s.
This extensively illustrated catalogue includes a new essay by Dieter Schwarz, and original texts by Harold Rosenberg and Samuel J. Wagstaff Jr. The catalogue includes a historically complete list of all the Multiples, Inc. editions, as well as many documents illustrating its wide-spanned history. It was published on the occasion of the historical exhibition at the Marian Goodman Gallery New York (12 January – 27 February 2021), which gathered for the first time a selection of over 150 editions published by Multiples, Inc. in collaboration with over 70 artists.
Edited and written by Dieter Schwarz
Publisher: Marian Goodman Gallery and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König
148 pages
9 1/2 x 11 in.
ISBN: 978-0-944219-46-1